I Have More Questions
I'm going solo.
You are my
G-iant marshmallow who listens empathically & non-judgementally & uses
A-cupressure to
R-estore neurological alignment and
T-apping to
H-eal your physical or emotional pain, getting
R-ight to the heart of where
I-t needs to go quickly
D-eceptively brilliant at what he does & gets
D-elightful results and with his magic finds the
Y-ou in you again
Where do I even start with Gareth?
I’m wary of putting people on a pedestal in the way I talk about them publicly because I feel like it can put undue pressure on them to be superhuman miracle workers in order to live up to the hype that their testimonials create….so I’m just going to speak very honestly about my experiences with him.
Here we go…One of the beautiful things about Gareth (and there’s a lot of beautiful things about him) is that he’s very human, wonderful and infinitely loveable, and also humbly magical. Not the kind of magic where you walk out ‘healed by hype’ and find that once the adrenaline wears off you are actually still feeling shit….it’s the kind of magic that actually embeds itself and transforms stuff fully.
I tried to describe what he does to someone but the words just didn’t match up to the reality of what happens, so I won’t try.
What I will say though is that Gareth has changed me, he’s settled me back INTO me…I can sit back into who I am and not freak out. I can be there without the shame or the anger of the fear….it doesn’t feel shit in there anymore, or scary.
At first when we began working together stuff shifted really fast, energy increased, I was getting shit done and I was feeling a lot more balanced, things were happening at lightening pace and it was so exciting….that was all amazing AND THEN, the bigger shit happened…the deeper stuff…the cry your eyes out powerful stuff. I’m not going to say anymore, you need to try it for yourself and I hope you do, I hope everyone does.
Actually I am going to say something else: I love him, very much.